Purpose is to cultivate beauty, dignity and meaning in the worship experience of the Church, shall continually evaluate the worship of the Church, to provide worship opportunities for the sick and shut-ins through pastoral and lay visitation, using such aids as tape recordings of church services and show a concern for the spiritual growth of the Church. The Commission on Worship and Outreach shall be responsible for maintenance of the Membership Record.
The Monroe Street bethel of the Church of God located on Monroe Street, Harrisburg PA was dedicated to the service of the Lord on Sunday, October 21, 1917. Prior to that time, a few faithful Christians had been meeting in the home of John Fuqua. Brethren in the East Pennsylvania Eldership of the Church of God felt it was time for them to have a building in which they could gather and worship God.
Pastor Walter Dockens Jr. born on January 7, 1956, in Harrisburg, Pa. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Dockens. A native of Harrisburg, educated in the Harrisburg School System and a graduate of the same in the year 1973.
Elder Marsha Blackston is the Associate Pastor at Trinity Church of Harrisburg, formerly Monroe Street Church of God. It was there at the age of twelve when she accepted Jesus Christ as Savior. She grew in God’s miraculous garden, actively participating in Youth Fellowship, teaching Sunday School, ushering and singing on the choir.
Through the directions of the Holy Spirit, I was ordained Elder in the Gospel Ministry on February 4, 2012 by the authority of Trinity Church of God Pastor: Walter R. Dockens, Jr & The Administrative Council of the church in Harrisburg, Pa.
I was Consecrated into service as a Deacon on October 14, 2006 before going into ministry training.
Elder Brenda Waters has had a relationship with Christ ever since she was a child, but like most children, she strayed away in early adult life. Through circumstances beyond her control, she began her crawl back to Christ in February 2002, holding tightly to her favorite Psalm, Psalm 25.